Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Alright, Haji Anwar has decided to go ahead with the swirl settling tank setup which will be placed at the inlet of the gutter. The basis of design comprises of a 55gal blue barrel which will have a settling compartment as well as some filter media to ensure that the particles from the pond doesnt settle in the gutters. Here is a rough sketch of the sediment catcher:

The water from the pond pump enters about 1/3 height of the barrel then swirls inside and pushes through some leca and filter pads before it overflows into the gutters. If you guessed it, youre right! Its just a larger version of the overflow filter which I had built earlier, however with larger compartment for the particles to settle before it flows into the filter materials.

Ive visited Andy Ng whos setting up an AP system to run with two of his ponds at home. His pond filter is magical! It works on the principle of the water retention time in the filter chambers and uses very little mechanical filtration. It relies very heavily on the settling of the particles due to slow flow in the chambers and then the sludge which gathers at the bottom gets drained out monthly.

That said, Ive made up a design which Im hoping that Haji Anwar would agree with me so that I can attempt one final touch-up with his pond filters. This time we will give room for the particles to settle and make use of the drains of the filter chambers. The idea is to direct the water flow so it contacts the media effectively as well as providing the condition in which the sediments can settle to the bottom of the chambers.

Heres a sketch of my final plan. If this doesnt work, at least we have the sediment catcher as the backup!

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