Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

Gotta Love Harvest Time

Not everything has gone right this year.  The carrots and turnips got too much water and turned to mush in the ground.  I didnt get the lettuce planned early enough and it bolted on me when the hot weather hit.

But for the most part its been a great year for the garden.  Not using any pesticides or chemicals of any kind in the garden, I have had bug and disease problems in the past.  Nothing but the usual blister beetles, aphids, squash bugs and tomato caterpillars, but not this year.  Not only totally disease free (as in the past - been pretty lucky) but no bug problems to worry about this year.

The Yukon Golds didnt produce as much as I was hoping, but for the small square I planted I got almost 10lbs of delicious potatoes.  Good size and very tasty.  Will definitely plant more of them next year.

The green beans and bell peppers produced very well as did the herb garden as usual. 

The tomatoes of course went crazy overboard as they usually do. 


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