Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

Produce In The 21st Century

Lately I have been watching the world from the position of, we need to get moving faster with the contamination in our food! 

I seriously applaud all the urban farmers and teachers who are out there showing people how to get back to basics. We seriously need to know how to do this for ourselves and our families. I cannot stress enough, how important it is, to teach your children how to grow food. They are the future and we cannot leave them to rely on a system of food, which has a very dubious track record. 

I personally no longer trust the agricultural industry has my families best interest at heart. I am going to stick with the Urban Farmers and small farms that grow food with the old fashioned hands on method. At least they know how to grow potatoes out of an old sack, or combine fish and produce together to feed the family. They use homegrown methods without all the fancy hype and cell splicing. 

From My Prospective 

I see noses growing every time I have to hear the speech about "in the best interests of the future." The only interests I see are profits and lavish lifestyles from the people who give the speeches. Who decided for my family what their best interests are, when companies no longer have to label GMO? What happen to my rights to have a say and choose?  

Big agriculture have given us Terminator Seeds, GMO, Round-Up and other wonderful chemicals which can cause eventual death on wildlife, insects and humans. Lets name a few poisons that agricultural companies (Monsanto) have played a part in inventing shall we: Agent Orange, DDT, Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), Dioxins, Atomic Bombs, Nuclear Weapons and Poisonous Gases. 

Engineered proteins and bacteria can be manipulated inside of the cell of a plant anyway the biologist wants. The gene will be manipulated to introduce bacteria.  Please do not give me the lecture about any of these being safe either, because there are flaws in this technology. The magic does not always work and science knows this but will pretend to convince humanity of something else. There are NO increases in yield and Monsanto knows it. Watch the video below and learn from someone who is educating us all on GMO. This video is VERY EYE OPENING!

"The trans-genes from GMO can spread from crops to soil organisms and into the bacteria in the soil. It can also spread to the bacteria in your gut. There are several studies that show if you eat engineered crops, the bacteria from them will find their way into your gut. Toxic proteins are a lot more than we know. In a nutshell, we dont know what we are doing." -Dr. Thierry Vrain

"Most of the major crops have been created." -Dr. Thierry Vrain

GMOs Explained: Dr. Thierry Vrain "The Gene Revolution"

 “A nation dominating the world by its technology will soon become a tyranny that will be hated by those who are tyrannized." -Oliver Stone

Where is the future of food is going? 

If our water is poisoned, our soil is depleted and our seas are radiated what are we supposed to eat? Only one thing I can see that will be able to help bring food to nations in a safe and productive way...Aquaponics. 

So what actually can aquaponics do in the way of feeding people? I personally believe if you allow every small community to grow their own food supply by using aquaponics, it can change lives, feed communities and the education will be worldwide. I get so passionate about people having enough to eat. It is one of my greatest driving forces in this world and I believe aquaponics can do that for all of us. 

We are in trouble folks and we have to start doing things differently, without toxins, without protein crystals and without growth hormones.  

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