Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

I admit it.  I like to eat meat.  Theres something just not complete about a breakfast, lunch or diner that doesnt include beef, pork or chicken in some form or fashion.  I know eggs and cheese have protein but its not the same.  And tofu.... well lets just not go there at all...

I originally started raising chickens as an offshoot of raising peacocks.  The chickens were a way to hatch more peacocks.  I soon grew to enjoy these funny characters and the taste of their fresh eggs.

The obvious next step from egg layers is to meat chickens.  I prefer to call them freezer chickens.  Though most people call them broilers.  Being the type person I am it always starts with research.  Lots of research.  And for anyone who uses the Internet for research you know how easy it is to get off track when browsing.

My browsing for researching laying hens eventually led me to the factory farming being done in America.  I have commented about this in previous posts.  So I thought I would point you to some of my research. 

Warning....some of the images are not for the faint of heart or the young and impressionable.  There are scene of horrible animal cruelty that I cant imagine anyone trying to explain to a child when they ask "why would someone do that....".  I have NO ANSWER.

Im also not a PETA supporter but the link below to their page is one of the better representations of the issues at hand.  Follow the link below to some general information as well as some additional links.

The PETA link is

I guess KFC is now on my list of foods not to eat.  But Im not giving up eating chicken, beef or poultry.  Wish someone would do a YouTube video on the cruilty of soybean processing.  Tofu I could give up.


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